– home page
online tours store is a tour aggregator. The service allows you to find and book online tours from all verified tour operators. Users select the search parameters and receive a list of hotels, and then a list of rooms and tour operators that provide these tours.

Product Designer

Product Manager,
SEO specialists, Marketer
Most of the page is irrelevant to SEO and users. The user focuses only on a couple of blocks, all the rest only load the page, which only confuses the user.
Redesign the structure and hierarchy of blocks. Reduce page length. Shorten and rewrite texts.
The functionality is under development, so the efficiency cannot be calculated yet.
Current design
The main page looked old-fashioned because of the page length, outdated icons, a large amount of unrelated text, broken blocks, lack of functionality.
First fold
The first fold was changed in terms of the visual system, and the function of additional notifications.
Low price calendar
The low price calendar is a very important block, but the block lacked versatility, so we added an ability to change the number of nights, as well as a dropdown with an extended choice of the country.
Popular destinations
Popular destinations have also changed. Heatmaps showed that 90% of users click on a country name rather than a region, so the list of regions was removed.

Also, on the home page, users didn’t leave their emails to subscribe. Due to the irrelevance of the block, it was decided to delete it.
Based on user feedback it was decided to move the block with statistical data above since it is important for users (trust in the service). The block design has become more laconic and the page length was reduced.
Apps promo
The promo apps block was redesigned into a more modern look. Thanks to phone mockups, the store standardized buttons, and the apps' rating that gave more trust to users.
Service desription
The block describing the service benefits was very long and overloaded, and it didn’t participate in SEO optimization. Now the block looks more structured and clearer, icons don’t distract, all attention is focused on the text.
Customer reviews
Previously, the number of reviews in an incomprehensible way varied from 3 to 4. Now there can be a maximum of 3 reviews on the screen, the user can scroll through the feed using the slider points. There is a place for the review itself — earlier, due to the length of the review, the entire block became longer and there was a visual difference between the review blocks.
We added a slider to the press block. It helps to find early publications without going to a separate page. You can see the title from the press site, the name of the resource, and the date of publication — these things make it easier for the user to interact with the resources.
The block with reviews from Instagram was also removed, as there were constant technical problems with it when a particular post wasn’t displayed. Blocks with all directions, a description of the service (SEO texts), and the basement have been slightly changed.

As you can see, no global changes were implemented, to avoid the users' confusion. The main accents were: reducing the amount of useless and overloaded texts, good page layout, well-thought block hierarchy, changes in the page structure, and total page length.

All texts were coordinated with a Marketer and an SEO Specialist to avoid losing positions in the search and coherence of the texts between the blocks.
UI changes
The previous version also had a lot of problems in terms of development and design. In the new version, the number of fonts and styles has decreased, the blocks are built on a grid, and the margin and paddings have been applied to a new logic.